

After roughly 3 years of putting together websites, writing blog posts, articles, essays and technical tutorials I believe that I got pretty good at this blogging thing. I feel like I can start a new website without it interfering with my other endeavours. And after a long time of working on my first blog, building it up from scratch and learning a lot about how the internet works, I had the desire to start something new.

A new homebase so to say, where I can talk about other things that interest me and don’t really fit into the setting of a tech blog. Hence my new brainchild: Tendon.

Working in a tech related field, I spend a lot of my time on a computer. Spending a lot of time on a computer means that I am spending most of my time sitting around with bad posture.

I only realised how important a healthy lifestyle is when I woke up one day with severe back pain. At the time I was also severely overweight and mentally not in the best place. Trying to get out of that situation and trying to fend off all of these adversities was tough, but I managed somehow.

Life will throw hurdles at you in many different shapes and forms, and it’s important to be able to adjust, being flexible and having the ability and strength to push back against them.

Now I’m in a much better place, and I want to help others also get there. Life will throw hurdles at you in many different shapes and forms, and it’s important to be able to adjust, being flexible and having the ability and strength to push back against them. Just like the tendons in the human body.

Ultimately, I was able to conquer my back pain with a zealous yoga routine, that involved a lot of stretching. This is what this site is all about (not yoga per se, allthough there will be some posts about that): being flexible and strong like a tendon.